Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Waking Up For School

Author's Note- This piece is about how people in school need their sleep and the arguments to and for moving the time back to start school.
Waking up and getting ready for school can be one of the hardest things to do in the morning. Students hate waking up early and love staying up late. Some students even sleep in and miss school! The tough part in this is that if schools did start later then it would end later. Ben Franklin once said “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.
           Although waking up later is great the downside to school's starting later means that they end later and there would be less time for after school activities and homework. For high schooler’s this means no job which can lead to no money to get into college and no money to buy a car. Also this would encourage students to stay up later and therefore cancelling the effects of the extra hours of sleep.  Lastly getting up later means that it doesn’t prepare them well for jobs where they have to constantly wake up and go to work every morning.
            Advantages of waking up earlier is that there is less chance of being late or sleeping in to class. Better sleep could also lead to better behavior in class and less sleeping during class. With students paying better attention it would lead into better grades which leads to better collage offers which leads to better jobs and more money. The last point is that people say that breakfast is the most important meal and sometimes there isn’t enough time to eat a good breakfast. If student are hungry at school it can lead to less focusing and worse grades.
            In conclusion the best option is to meet halfway. Maybe there could be optional resource in the morning instead of the afternoon so students will be getting out at the same time but still having the option if they want to go to school early. Also there would have to be an enforcement to make kids go to sleep earlier since the whole thing comes down to kids not getting enough sleep. Lastly there is a great problem where people don’t like change and if you changed the time school starts and ends parents would complain and maybe even lose the amount of enrollment they got the previous year.

Works Cited
"School Start Time and Sleep | National Sleep Foundation - Information on Sleep Health and Safety." National Sleep Foundation - Information on Sleep Health and Safety | Information on Sleep Health and Safety. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. <>.
"Schools should start later | Debatewise Where great minds differ." Debatewise | Where great minds differ Where great minds differ. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2013. <>.

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